Sailor Moon Crystal Eyelash Prism Series Set 2
Newly announced is a second set of the Sailor Moon Crystal Moon Prism Eyelash: Prism Series. The product lineup includes 5 sets with Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus. The colours of the eyelashes match the senshi. Each set includes 2 pairs of false eyelashes plus a storage case. The design of the storage case is based on the senshi costumes. These will be first released at Village Vanguard on July 2, 2016. After that, they will be widely available in stores and at the SHO-BI online shop. The retail price is 1,200 yen each set.
Debbie Brack
What store in the usa to get the season 3 of sailor moon crystal?
It’s not released yet, but Amazon US will have it
I’m not sure how I’ll use these. Since they have color on them. Or maybe I’ll just make an excuse to have them displayed.