Merchandise Release

Sailor Moon Artbook News, Kodansha Updates & Prizes!

Kodansha took some time today to answer some burning questions about the Sailor Moon artbook! Here’s what we learned:

  • all the artbooks are being printed in Japan
  • when they get their copies, they will post pics
  • they will notify us when preorders are up
  • they don’t know (or maybe can’t say) what the other 5 countries are yet
  • when asked if the bonus material will be different for all countries, they answered “I thought every country was getting their own different bonus art? In other words: gotta catch ’em all, Moonies!” (how awesome is that Pokemon reference? XD but on a more serious note..*gulp* there goes our money!)

Kodansha also revealed they will be hosting a giveaway on Tumblr tomorrow, May 1, with Sailor Moon prizes! The prizes include manga, pins, calendars and posters. The giveaway is open to USA & Canada. You can find their Tumblr here:

They will also be hosting a Twitter trivia contest but that is scheduled closer to the release date of Sailor Moon manga Vol. 11.


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